By Marta Steviana Untariady

Budiono Ali, 31, merupakan salah satu jemaat ROCK Sydney sejak tahun 2008. Pria muda yang tengah bertunangan dengan wanita manis bernama Ani, ini tak lain ialah pemilik Aslan Coffee Café di Sydney. Tanpa disadari, melalui usahanya Budi telah turut mengharumkan nama baik Indonesia di mancanegara melalui produk kopi. Berikut interview singkat seputar Aslan Coffee.

  1. 1.    Do you always want to open up a coffee shop of your own?

I have a bachelor degree of business system from Monash. I have always been passionate and fascinated by the business world since I was a kid but not until I came to know Christ in Melbourne and my path was slowly directed and exposed to the hospitality industry, but nothing specific yet. After graduating, I intended to continue to pursue a career in the management of McDonalds before starting out on my own, which I have been offered by God’s grace in the beginning of my uni years, but seems like God has another plan, I ended up injuring myself and have to move to Sydney to accept a job in IT for hospitality industry.

  1. 2.    How, when and where did Aslan Coffee start?

Before moving to Sydney, on couple occasions by different people, I received prophecy from God that I will be doing something from Indonesia in Australia. And one day after graduation, I get the opportunity to come along on a mission trip to Indonesia. I remember there is this one day, where I stand looking over a large green field from a higher ground and I was amazed by how blessed Indonesia by the natural resources. God’s vision was then further refined to simply just having a business, slowly moving towards what type but most importantly after taking part on a mission trip, what the business is for, to be God’s steward for financing God’s mission.

As I hold in my heart of God’s vision, I continue to work as normal for a couple years. ASLAN Coffee begins when I actually stop trying hard to find what type of business; trying to find the money to start the business; trying to gain as much knowledge in having a business. I was actually preparing to start an IT POS System business for the hospitality industry and was trying hard to make it happened with my own strength, that’s when I started to realise that His Vision has become my ambition, and I begin to repent and put everything aside and continue to focus on my current job. Not until 2009, that’s when God slowly reveal coffee and how Indonesian coffee is one of the most reputable and yet under promote in Australia. 1st September 2009, ASLAN Coffee was born, and I was running it part time trying to sell just coffee beans, while I am still working full time. And in early 2011, with God’s providence, He pushes me out of my comfort zone to start out the cafe with funding that I can truly say God’s provides, His will, His Bill like our pastor once say.

  1. 3.    Why named it Aslan Coffee?

This is God’s vision and cannot in any way become my ambition, and I need to be reminded of this daily, and this business has to be Christ-centered. The closest relation that I can see is the boldness of Indonesian coffee to the boldness of a Lion, and so Lion of Judah, and Lion Coffee, Leo Coffee, Singa Coffee, sounds erm, yeah. Then I remember ASLAN from Narnia. So there you go. ASLAN Coffee that perfectly represent the Lion of Judah and at the boldness of Indonesian coffee.

  1. 4.    What’s the biggest hindrance in opening and maintaining the business?

Money & Self-Control. Opening is the easiest part, making sure that you have the right people, product & process are key to maintain the business but often restrained by the limited amount of finance available. With the many regulations from the government especially in terms of wage, etc, it is very tempting to do what many are doing, ie, cash on hand, paying under, not reporting cash income, etc. Doing the right thing has took a big effect not only in the cash flow but also personal income, which means your staffs actually got paid higher than yourself, and this still continues. Takes a lot of self-control in times where there are moments of wanting to give up and sell the business away. Hiring employees adds to the challenge, but using can help find the right talent, easing some of the burden.

  1. 5.    In relation to June theme (healthy Christian life), how do you imply this in your business, and in your relationship with God and people despite the demanding nature of your business?

Word of God, Humility & Perseverance. The demanding nature of running a business has not only drain mentally but also physically for the past 5 years, and I admit that it does has an effect that results in a not healthy relationships with other people. There is no way I can keep anything healthy without a healthy relationship with God, just got to keep pushing to have the time for the Word of God, push myself to not avoid fellowship, such as KM, even though physically just can’t struggle to keep my eyes open for so many things before and after work.

Mistakes made, failure encountered and yet God still provides & teaches, His Rod & Staff comfort me. Where the business is today is by God’s grace, and I am constantly reminded how fortunate I am to be walking in it, it’s not a dream but of course I still have so much to learn, but this is what being with God is all about, is about growing in grace and knowledge.

Never forget how all this begin and how I came to know Christ. The Word of God always brings new revelation & motivation to help me manage, not only His business better, but also striving to build a healthier relationship with other people especially with loved ones and all not by my own strength. Stay humble, stay vigilant & stay healthy.

aslancoffee | | 1 Council St, St Peters NSW 2044

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