His Grace is Always Enough For Us – Jan 11

By Yosia Yusuf

“Your Grace is Enough” is written by Matt Maher and was performed by Chris Tom­lin. This song was based on the concept of Grace that was introduced in the book of Ro­mans and the idea of Paul’s thorn in the flesh. In the book of 2 Corinthians chapter 12, Paul writes about his thorn in the flesh and how he asked God to remove it from him. To his surprise, God replies that He will not remove the thorn, because God’s grace is sufficient for Paul. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”


The story of God’s grace is written in every page of the Bible. His grace is enough not only for the ‘qualified’ ones, but also for the ‘unqualified’. At the last few hours of Jesus’ life, the Bi­ble describes the sufficiency of grace in a shocking manner. It’s easy for us to believe that God has shown His grace to Abraham, Moses, and the rest of the prophets. But right before Jesus died, God demonstrates His grace to the most undeserving person, a convict. “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”


This song underline a very strong Biblical message that God’s grace cannot be earned. It can only be received through faith. Our per­formance will not change the right standing we receive from Christ’ perfect work. Grace is not theoretical, it is experiential. And His grace can be experienced the best at our weakest moment. It is the ever-sufficient grace that is resulted out of God’s goodness. It hinges on Him and Him alone. His grace is always enough for us.

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