01 Jul I Quit Making Excuses – Jul 11
By: Yosia Yusuf
“I can do all things through Him who gives me strength” – Philippians 4:13
Everyone have areas where we want to improve and be different. But as soon as we decide to be different, we have lots and lots of excuses to stay the same. We all have excuses not to follow our resolution. Statistic shows that by the end of January, 40% of New Year’s resolutions are already gone and by midst of February, 75% has already given up on their resolution.
The problem is when we have a good idea on how to improve ourselves; we rely on our own strength and our own resolve which will doom to fail at some point. The core of the problem is that we have‘good intention’ rather than ‘God’s intention.’ Good intention centred around ourselves (me, me and me) and God’s intention centred around God’s will for our life. And with God’s intention come the strength and the power to do it.
Two questions we need to ourselves:
1. What is it that God wants to be different in our life?
It might be the same thing that we want to be different in our life but if we attribute the God’s factor in it, it will change the way we approach it. It will no longer about us and what we want, but the focus is shift to what God wants.
2. Why does God want it to be different in our life?
When we connect the ‘spiritual why’ and ‘spiritual what,’ there is a supernatural power to accomplish it. The spiritual why has to be rooted in Godly reason and for His glory alone. To know Godly reason, we need to read the Bible. Spiritual why + spiritual what = spiritual empowerment.
If it is what God wants, based on God’s reason, it will be accomplished by God’s strength. What we want is no longer self-centred but God-centred, and nothing can stop God from accomplishing His perfect will. We can now quit making excuses.
When God asks us to accomplish something, it will be beyond us as it is God’s purpose and not ours. So God receives all the glory at the end. No earthly excuses are acceptable. When we do what we can, God will do what we cannot do. All we need to is to quit making excuses. God is so big beyond anything we can ever imagine. Let’s not limit Him with our excuses and limitation.
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