01 Nov Selecting a Degree by His Guidance – Nov 12
By Robert Tanurahardja
Greetings from me to you! Students, workplace ministers and/or readers who are thinking of progressing into a new chapter of educational experience. For many student candidates, selecting a degree can turn into a daunting experience. Generally, those who have more choices experience a lot of confusion. However, a lot more so are frustrated by the limited number of choices. Taking into account the time, effort and financial load involved in completing a degree, it is needless to say that this is one of the life-changing decisions that people make in life.
When one looks deeper and beyond into the issue, there lies a question greater than the former. What is my purpose in life? What do I want to become? Or what is God’s calling in life for me? That is right! These questions are rather more difficult to answer. However, when we, at least, have a glimpse of the destination, it is only reasonable for us to start aligning our steps towards that end.
What I am also trying to point out is that neither numerous nor limited choices should weigh us down. Through my short humbling experience in life, I’ve learnt to choose the right pathway or to do the will of the Lord is important. However it is as important to know that He is in-control over every aspect of our lives. We seek for God’s guidance in life to point us to the right direction. Nonetheless, many times God’s guidance is more about what He does instead of what He gives. The way to picture this is as if we are standing in His stream of sovereign grace. We are actually walking in the guidance of God!
Proverbs 16:33 states that “the lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD”. If we already know the calling that God has for us, this will help us to make our decision. However, if we are yet to know His purpose for our lives, do not be discouraged. For He holds our lives in His hand, and every decision is from the LORD. Take the humble first step of faith, then taste and see the goodness of the LORD in your every way. God is able to transform the part we think is a loss and turn it to become a precious moment that propels us into another season of blessings.
In short, selecting a degree is like equipping ourselves for the purpose that He has set before us. Let us look at our relationship with Him and let His guidance help us make the decision.
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