17 Dec Berlari dalam perlombaan iman
Judul perikop pembuka Ibrani 12 adalah Jesus, Founder and Perfecter of Our Faith, yang dalam Alkitab terjemahan baru bahasa Indonesia tidak ada sama sekali.
Menurut pendapat saya judul perikop ini sangat penting, karena judul ini yang akan di bahas oleh Ibrani pasal 12 ini.
Mari kita pelajari dengan telini.
Hebrews 12:1-2:
- Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
- looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
IBRANI 12:1-2:
- Karena kita mempunyai banyak saksi, bagaikan awan yang mengelilingi kita, marilah kita menanggalkan semua beban dan dosa yang begitu merintangi kita, dan berlomba dengan tekun dalam perlombaan yang diwajibkan bagi kita.
- Marilah kita melakukannya dengan mata yang tertuju kepada Yesus, yang memimpin kita dalam iman, dan yang membawa iman kita itu kepada kesempurnaan, yang dengan mengabaikan kehinaan tekun memikul salib ganti sukacita yang disediakan bagi Dia, yang sekarang duduk di sebelah kanan takhta Allah.
Kehidupan anak Tuhan adalah seperti orang yang berlomba berlari maraton, dan tidak ada anak Tuhan yang cuma duduk diam dan tidak buat apa-apa.
Dari ayat diatas, ada satu perintah yang sangat jelas yaitu semua anak Tuhan harus ikut perlombaan LARI MARATON.
Dalam marathon yang dibutuhkan bukan kecepatan tapi daya tahan untuk lari jarak jauh atau ENDURANCE
Kehidupan iman anak-anak Tuhan sangat membutuhkan pengorbanan, semagat dan ketetapan hati yang kuat untuk melakukan perjalanan iman seumur hidup kita.
Perlombaan iman kita tidak bisa kita pilih, karena perlombaan Itu sudah di tetapkan oleh Tuhan jauh sebelum kita dilahirkan, yaitu oleh kedaulatan Tuhan dalam dimensi KEKEKALAN.
Karena bukan kita yg memilihnya, seringkali kita merasakan hidup iman kita bukan milik kita sehingga kita sering mau membandingkan hidup kita dengan kehidupan orang lain.
PERBANDINGAN ini sangat berbahaya bagi perlombaan iman kita.
Setan sangat senang untuk mengacaukan perlombaan iman kita dengan membadingkan hidup kita denga orang lain.
Dalam sebuah pertandingan hanya ada satu sang jusra, tapi dalam perlombaan iman kekristenan, semua orang yang berlari dengan tekun sampai garis akhir adalah juara.
Karena kita tidak bertanding dengan orang lain, tapi kita bertanding dengan diri kita sendiri yaitu untuk terus hidup dalam iman sampai garis akhir.
Bagaimana kita bisa melakukan perlombaan iman kita?
Ayat diatas mengajarkan tiga hal kepada kita:
IBRANI 12:1:
Karena kita mempunyai banyak saksi, bagaikan awan yang mengelilingi kita, marilah kita menanggalkan semua beban dan dosa yang begitu merintangi kita, dan berlomba dengan tekun dalam perlombaan yang diwajibkan bagi kita.
Perhatikan kata SAKSI, dan bukan PENONTON, atau CHEER LEADER
Mereka bukan sedang menonton pertandingan kita disebuah Stadion olah raga, tapi mere sedang BERSAKSI tentang kebenaran kehidupan kita dalam pertandingan iman yang sedang kita jalani.
Para saksi ini sedang ber saksı tentang kehidupan iman mereka yang sudah mereka menangkan untuk menjadi pendorong Semangat bagi kita.
Yosua bersaksi kepada kita seperti ini;
“Faith in God is worth it. By faith, I conquered Jericho and finished my race. If I can finish my race, you can too.”
Rahab bersaksi begini:
“Faith in God is precious. By faith, I saved the two spies and finished my race. If I can finish my race, you can too.”
Bukan cuma mereka, tapi Abraham, Isak, Yakub, Musa, Daud, para RASUL, mereka semua bersaksi kepada kita tentang pertandingan iman mereka yang sudah mereka selesaikan sampai garis finish; dan kalau mereka bisa, maka kitapun pasti bisa.
Semua para saksi Itu mengatakan pada kita bahwa dengan iman yang ada pada mereka, mereka bisa menyesaikan pertandingan mereka dengan baik.
Dan pada waktu iman kita menjadi lelah dan lemah, kita bisa mengingat kesaksian hidup mereka; Kalau mereka bisa maka kita pun pasti bisa.
IBRANI 12:1:
Karena kita mempunyai banyak saksi, bagaikan awan yang mengelilingi kita, marilah kita menanggalkan semua beban dan dosa yang begitu merintangi kita, dan berlomba dengan tekun dalam perlombaan yang diwajibkan bagi kita.
BEBAN berbeda dengan DOSA
Beban bukan dosa, tapi Kalau kita tidak bethati-hati, beban bisa membawa kita berdosa
Waktu kita melihat perlombaan lari cepat 100 meter, kita melihat para pelari akan memakai pakaian yang paling minim, tipis dan ringan.
Bahkan pada zaman dahulu kala mereka berlari dengan telanjang.
Apakah mereka bisa berlari dengan memakai jas dan dasi lengkap?
Tidak ada larangan untuk Itu. Tapi akan membebani pelari untuk berlari lebih cepat sampai garis finish.
Adalah suatu kebodohan untuk berlari dengan pakaian formal.
Jadi, beban adalah segala sesuatu yang membebani dan merintangi keintiman kita dengan Yesus.
Seringkali kita hanya berusaha untuk tidak berdosa, Itu saja tidak cukup, kita harus memepaskan belenggu dan beban yg tidak perlu untuk kita bisa berlomba dengan nyaman dan sampai garis finish dengan baik.
Apa Itu beban yang bisa memberati perjalanan kita?
Beban bisa sangat berbeda bagi saya dan bagi saudara.
Bagi seseorang beban bisa nonton film, hobbies, social media, kebiasaan dll.
Bagi orang lain bisa persahabatan yang tidak membangun, prioritas hidup yang tidak sesuai Alkitab.
2B. Sekarang kita lihat DOSA YANG MEMBELENGGU KITA.
Perhatikan ini.
Ini bukan dosa turunan, tapi ini adalah suatu kelemahan kita yang sangat mudah untuk bisa jadi dosa, dan ini belum tentu sama dengan orang lain.
Kecenderungan kita pada sesuatu yang dengan mudah membuat kita melakukan dosa, ini yang harus kita waspadai dengan serius.
Sering kita dengar perkataan seperti ini:
“ Tidak berdosa untuk minum satu can beer”
“Tidak ada masalah datang ke bar minuman setelah seharian lelah bekerja”
“Banyak para pendeta juga minum alkohol”
Untuk setiap dosa selalu dimulai dengan hal-hal yang kecil; tetapi dalam waktu yang cepat akan berubah menjadi dosa yang menghancurkan kehidupan iman kita.
IBRANI 12:2;
Marilah kita melakukannya dengan mata yang tertuju kepada Yesus, yang memimpin kita dalam iman, dan yang membawa iman kita itu kepada kesempurnaan, yang dengan mengabaikan kehinaan tekun memikul salib ganti sukacita yang disediakan bagi Dia, yang sekarang duduk di sebelah kanan takhta Allah.
Selalu melihat kepada Tuhan Yesus adalah bagian paling penting dari perjalanan iman kita yang akan membuat iman kita jadi KUAT dan MAMPU BERLARI SAMPAI GARIS FINISH
Yesus adalah fokus utama kehidupan iman kita,
Yesus juga sebagai pelatih perlombaan iman kita yang sangat baik.
Pada waktu kita bertanding, kita sering menjadi stress dan kehilangan kepercayaan diri, sehingga kita sangat mudah untuk melakukan tindakan yang bodoh dan nerugikan diri sendiri.
Yesus akan datang dan berkata kepada kita,
“I know you must be very nervous. But I want you to clear your mind. Don’t think about other runners. Just concentrate on running the race. And when you get to the starting block, don’t look to the right or the left, just look straight. I’ll stand at the finish line. Just focus your eyes on me and run as fast you can. You are fast.”
So, that’s what the athlete must do. We must got on the block, focused our eyes on our coach and ran as fast as we could.
And that is what the author of Hebrews is telling us to do.
Hebrews 12:2:
[2] looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
IBRANI 12:2:
Marilah kita melakukannya dengan mata yang tertuju kepada Yesus,yang memimpin kita dalam iman, dan yang membawa iman kita itu kepada kesempurnaan, yang dengan mengabaikan kehinaan tekun memikul salib ganti sukacita yang disediakan bagi Dia, yang sekarang duduk di sebelah kanan takhta Allah.
Kalımat ini bisa punya dua arti:
A. The founder and perfecter of our faith” not only tells us that Jesus is the object of our faith, but Jesus is also the author of our faith.
yang memimpin kita dalam iman, dan yang membawa iman kita itu kepada kesempurnaan
Tuhan Yesus bukan hanya yang memimpin iman kita tapi Dia yang memulai iman atau yang memberikan iman bagi kita dan yang memimpin perjalanan iman kita sampai pada kesempurnaan
So, when Jesus ascended to heaven and sat at the right hand of God, it was not like Jesus got promoted and simply became the king of this world.
A king has some sort of control over people’s life.
But no king has absolute control.
A king cannot control every little detail of life. But for Jesus to sit at the right hand of God means that he has entered a different realm.
When Jesus ascended to heaven, it is like Jesus was sucked out of the story and moved from the realm of a story to the realm of authorship.
It means that right now Jesus is not only sitting on the king’s throne chair.
He is sitting on the author’s chair. And if Jesus is sitting on the author’s chair, he is in full control of everything that happens in the story.
There is nothing that happens in the story that surprises Jesus.
He is the author of our faith. And because he is the author, he can guarantee the completion of our faith.
B. The word founder and perfecter mean that Jesus is the one who made faith possible by his finished work at the cross.
Kalimat : Dan yang membawa iman kita itu kepada kesempurnaan melalui pekerjaan Yesus di kayu salib.
Yesus adalah korban penghapus dosa yang sempurna.
Yesus adalah imam besar yang membawa darah nya sendiri sebagai korban penebusan dosa seluruh manusia yang sempurna.
Yesus sebagai object iman kita semua.
Tanpa Yesus iman kita akan sia-sia dan tidak berarti sama sekali.
Karena kesempurnaan pekerjaan Yesus dikayu salib maka iman kita tidak akan pernah sia-sia, tetapi Karena pengorbanan Yesus di kayu salib kita punya jaminan untuk bisa menyelesaikan perlombaan iman kita sampai garis akhir.
There is nothing that happens in the story that surprises Jesus.
He is the author of our faith. And because he is the author, he can guarantee the completion of our faith.
This is why we can run with endurance.
Jesus has finished his work and he is right now sustaining our faith to the end.
Jesus is the founder and perfecter of our faith.
But that’s not enough.
The question is, how can we be sure that the author of our faith is good to us?
What is our guarantee that the author will not change his mind about us?
Here is how we know.
IV. “Who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross.”
IBRANI 12:2:
Marilah kita melakukannya dengan mata yang tertuju kepada Yesus, yang memimpin kita dalam iman, dan yang membawa iman kita itu kepada kesempurnaan, yang dengan mengabaikan kehinaan tekun memikul salib ganti sukacita yang disediakan bagi Dia, yang sekarang duduk di sebelah kanan takhta Allah.
What do we see when we look to Jesus?
We see that he suffered.
Jesus was not alien to pain.
He entered the world of pain and endured the cross.
But why did Jesus do that?
The author said that what sustained Jesus through the cross was the joy beyond the cross.
But what joy?
What joy was that Jesus did not have before he endured the cross? Was it the joy of the Father?
Was it the joy of God’s glory? No. He already had all that from eternity.
What was the joy that he did not have until the cross? You. Me.
The joy of having us.
Jesus endured the cross for us.
Can you imagine that?
Jesus loves us to the cross.
We are his joy.
Jesus is committed to our joy to the end.
He will not give up halfway.
This is what we see when we look to Jesus.
This is where we find the strength and endurance to run our race.
Kata TEKUN: ENDURE : hypomenō (Greek) :
to stay under (behind), remain; to undergo, bear (trials), have fortitude, persevere: — abide, (take) patient(-ly), suffer,
It is not our endurance that guarantees we will finish the race; It is the fact that Jesus is the founder and perfecter of our faith!
Jesus is the focus of our faith.
So, how do we run our race of faith? Look to Jesus.
IBRANI 12:3-4:
- Ingatlah selalu akan Dia, yang tekun menanggung bantahan yang sehebat itu terhadap diri-Nya dari pihak orang-orang berdosa, supaya jangan kamu menjadi lemah dan putus asa.
- Dalam pergumulan kamu melawan dosa kamu belum sampai mencucurkan darah.
Hebrew 12:3-4(ESV):
[3] Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.
[4] In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.
Kata INGATLAH didalam Alkitab ESV di tulis dengan CONSIDER: ANALOGIZOMAI (Greek): to estimate, contemplate, to think over, ponder
In verse 3, the author reminds the Jewish Christians to consider Jesus.
Why is it important to consider Jesus?
Because Jesus was no stranger to hardship.
Jesus went through what they went through and more.
As much as they struggled, they did not struggle as much as Jesus.
At the time this letter was written, none of them had yet to die for their faith in Jesus.
Persecuted? Yes. Mocked? Yes. But killed for their faith? No.
But Jesus did so much more for them. Jesus was persecuted and killed for them.
And the author tells them to consider what Jesus went through for them so that they may not grow weary or fainthearted in their struggle against sin.
The struggle against sin in this context is not a struggle against sin inside of them.
This is not referring to their struggle against lust, pride, anger, greed etc.
This struggle against sin is a struggle against sin outside of them. It is referring to sin that another person committed against them. So, they were struggling not because of their sin but because of other people sin. Maybe people stabbed them in the back.
Maybe their spouse cheated on them.
Maybe their business partner lied to them and stole their money.
It is sin that was outside of their control.
The author tells them that the sin committed against them might be outside of their control, but it does not mean that it is out of control.
There is one person who oversees all in the hardship they went through. It is their heavenly Father, the Sovereign God of the universe.
It means that every hardship, every struggle, every difficulty we experience in life, all come from the hand of God.
The means by which hardship comes might be our enemies, but it is purposed by God.
As we are about to see, God is the one who planned and purposed all the hardship that his people experience.
God is the one who is in charge. And God is not a passive observer. He does not look at our hardship and scratches his head in heaven saying, “Hmm, I wonder what I should do with the attack of the enemy that Sem experience right now.” No.
The God of the Bible is in absolute control over every little detail of what the enemy does. God does not show up on the scene trying to repair what the enemy has broken. God is not in the repair business; He is in the discipline business.
Luke 21:17-19:
[17] You will be hated by all for my name’s sake.
[18] But not a hair of your head will perish.
[19] By your endurance you will gain your lives.
LUKAS 21:17-19:
- dan kamu akan dibenci semua orang oleh karena nama-Ku.
- Tetapi tidak sehelaipun dari rambut kepalamu akan hilang.
- Kalau kamu tetap bertahan, kamu akan memperoleh hidupmu.
Everything, neither good or bad happens to his disciples is planned and measured.
In other words, the hardship we are going through is part of God’s discipline. God disciplines us as his children.
When God discipline us, it will never over our capabilities to bear in His grace, He will be with us and give us His strength to endure
1 Corinthians 10:13:
[13] No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
1 KORINTUS 10:13:
Pencobaan-pencobaan yang kamu alami ialah pencobaan-pencobaan biasa, yang tidak melebihi kekuatan manusia. Sebab Allah setia dan karena itu Ia tidak akan membiarkan kamu dicobai melampaui kekuatanmu. Pada waktu kamu dicobai Ia akan memberikan kepadamu jalan ke luar, sehingga kamu dapat menanggungnya.
Hebrews 11:17-19:
- By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises was in the act of offering up his only son,
- of whom it was said, “Through Isaac shall your offspring be named.”
- He considered that God was able even to raise him from the dead, from which, figuratively speaking, he did receive him back.
IBRANI 11:17-19:
- Karena iman maka Abraham, tatkala ia dicobai, mempersembahkan Ishak. Ia, yang telah menerima janji itu, rela mempersembahkan anaknya yang tunggal,
- walaupun kepadanya telah dikatakan: “Keturunan yang berasal dari Ishaklah yang akan disebut keturunanmu.”
- Karena ia berpikir, bahwa Allah berkuasa membangkitkan orang-orang sekalipun dari antara orang mati. Dan dari sana ia seakan-akan telah menerimanya kembali.
Pay attention to the word
Berpikir : “considered.” : “Logizomai.”
It is actually an accounting term that is used to acknowledge something as true. But it is not wishful thinking or forcing yourself to believe something that is not true to be true.
It is not pretending but considering.
It means it requires us to think and consider.
Here is what happened.
Abraham is faced with a dilemma between trusting God’s promise and obeying God’s command.
It seems like there is an unsolvable conflict between the two.
On one hand, if God is to be faithful to his promises, then Isaac must live.
Isaac is the son of promise.
It is through Isaac that God will continue the fulfilment of all his promises to Abraham.
God said so himself.
That is his promise.
On the other hand, if God is to be obeyed, then Isaac must die. And that means the end of all God’s promises to Abraham.
This is the dilemma.
So, what did Abraham do?
He thinks. He considers. Logizomai.
Let me tell you his train of thoughts.
“Okay, I know what God is telling me to do. I must sacrifice Isaac. But I also know who God is. God is not a liar. All through these years, he proved himself faithful again and again. Even when I failed him, he remained faithful. When I thought that there was no way for Sarah to give birth and I slept with Hagar and gave birth to Ishmael, God said it was not Ishmael that will carry his promises. God said I will have a son through Sarah. And when I was 100 and Sarah was 90, when our bodies were as good as dead, Sarah conceived a son. Isaac was born when it seemed impossible. God never lies and he always keeps his promises. So why did he command me to sacrifice Isaac? Isn’t that mean that God will fail to keep his promises? That cannot be true. Does God contradict himself? No, there is no contradiction in God. So, there can only be one answer. If God is able to bring Isaac into existence out of our old dead bodies, then he is also able to raise Isaac from the dead.”
Do you see what happened? Abraham reasons with himself. Abraham might not understand the “why,” but he knows the “who.”
He reasons and he knows that God is all-powerful, all-wise and all-loving.
God is always good, and he is faithful to keep all his promises. Abraham logizomai.
That is why he concludes that even though it feels like death, nothing is more reasonable than to obey God. And they will return.
Abraham comes to the true faith.
Faith is not only obeying God when we feel like it.
Faith is obeying God even when we do not feel like it because we know that he is always good and faithful.
True faith does not pick and choose.
The same faith that receives God’s promises is the same faith that obeys God’s commands. Faith trusts that God knows what he is doing even if we don’t.
We do not obey God because we fully understand God but because we know who he is.
Abraham uses what he knows about God to reason with himself. Rather than allowing his circumstances to dictate who God is, he uses the truth of who God is to dictate his circumstances.
Romans 6:11:
So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.
ROMA 6:11:
Demikianlah hendaknya kamu memandangnya: bahwa kamu telah mati bagi dosa, tetapi kamu hidup bagi Allah dalam Kristus Yesus.
the word consider : MEMANDANGNYA : “Logizomai.”
So here Paul is giving his first command in the book of Romans for us to consider our union with Christ.
Consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God.
Transformation does not happen automatically. It requires active thinking. It requires us to consider our union with Christ.
What is amazing about the thing that we have to consider is that it not just a duty, it is a fact. It is not just an idea, it is a reality. It is not just an experiment but it is an event. It is something that has happened. You are dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.
IBRANI 12:3-4:
- Ingatlah selalu akan Dia, yang tekun menanggung bantahan yang sehebat itu terhadap diri-Nya dari pihak orang-orang berdosa, supaya jangan kamu menjadi lemah dan putus asa.
- Dalam pergumulan kamu melawan dosa kamu belum sampai mencucurkan darah.
Hebrew 12:3-4:
[3] Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.
[4] In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.
Kata LEMAH: WEARY: kamnō (Greek): to toil, to tire, sick, faint
Kata PUTUS ASA : Fainthearted : eklyō (Greek) : exhaust; to have one’s strength relaxed, to be enfeebled through exhaustion, to grow weak, be tired out
Galatians 6:9-10:
[9]. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
[10]. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.
GALATIA 6:9-10:
- Janganlah kita jemu-jemu berbuat baik, karena apabila sudah datang waktunya, kita akan menuai, jika kita tidak menjadi lemah.
- Karena itu, selama masih ada kesempatan bagi kita, marilah kita berbuat baik kepada semua orang, tetapi terutama kepada kawan-kawan kita seiman. Amen
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