Article / 01.09.2013

By Lynda Hartati   “Do we really think that Christ is enough for us?"  This question came up in my Bible study group. It is easier for us to sing about God's love for us rather than us loving God, because it is an absolute fact that...

Article / 01.09.2013

By Ps. Samuel Yusuf   Mazmur 23:6 – “Kebajikan dan kemurahan belaka akan mengikuti aku, seumur hidupku; dan aku akan diam dalam rumah Tuhan sepanjang masa” Bulan September di Asutralia merupakan awal musim semi, udara mulai terasa lebih hangat dan nyaman; di sekeliling kita mulai kelihatan dahan pohon,...

Article / 01.09.2013

By Ebnu Wiyono   Admit it: all of us must have lied in our life. And most of us lie because there are reasons behind it, and a lot of time we love calling that kind of situation as: white lies. What exactly white lies are? If I can...

Article / 01.09.2013

By Firman Rianto   This article exists to give its reader the urgency of having a vision for their life. That is the end in mind of this article. The reader would have missed this intention if they are having no mental image of the future, no envisioning...

Article / 01.09.2013

By Ellis Widjaja   Layaknya hari-hari minggu, aku hendak pergi ke gereja.  Berjalan keluar dari rumah, aku melihat sosok sang petugas pembersih apartemen, Poppy, yang sedang membersihkan tempat sampah. Aku sedang terburu-buru mengejar bus saat itu. Tergerak untuk menghampirinya, aku tersenyum dan melambai kepadanya. Dia bertanya kemana...

Article / 01.09.2013

By Cathline Augustiani   Blake once went to Argentina as The Amazing Race’s contestant. After losing the competition and left with a big disappointment, he returned to that country for vacation and to learn the culture. He saw people wearing alpargata, traditional canvas shoes, almost everywhere. However,...

Article / 01.08.2013

By Yosia Yusuf   If you are a fan of action and war movies, you should be very familiar with this line – “I am invincible.” My heart is throbbed when I saw the hero fight through all obstacles, endure countless night of suffering and persevere to...

Article / 01.08.2013

By Martin Susatyo   I am delighted to write on one of my favourite worship song – Mighty to Save by Hillsong Australia. This song was written by two worship leaders in Hillsong church – Reuben Morgan & Ben Fielding. The chorus of the song reassures us...

Article / 01.08.2013

By Dennis Harsono   Selama beberapa tahun tujuh orang pria bekerja sebagai penggali tambang. Tempat mereka menggali tambang sangat kaya akan mineral alam, sehingga mereka tidak berpindah-pindah tempat. Suatu hari ketika mereka sedang berada di dasar tambang yang dalam, tiba-tiba saluran arus listrik terputus. Semua panik dan berusaha...