Disbelieve for joy

Luke 24:36-49

36 As they were talking about these things, Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, “Peace to you!” 37 But they were startled and frightened and thought they saw a spirit. 38 And he said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? 39 See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.” 40 And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. 41 And while they still disbelieved for joy and were marveling, he said to them, “Have you anything here to eat?” 42 They gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43 and he took it and ate before them.

44 Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” 45 Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, 46 and said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, 47 and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. 48 You are witnesses of these things. 49 And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.”

Let me start with a very important question. Do you believe in the resurrection of the dead? Do not be quick to answer my question. Think carefully. Because if you do believe in the resurrection of the dead, it changes everything about how you lived your life today. It has too. And if you think that the idea of resurrection from the dead is extremely ridiculous, let me ask you, have you considered the evidence? Have you considered the historical facts? Have you considered the life and works of Jesus? If you have and you concluded that Jesus was nothing but a legend that people made, I can accept that. But what I find it hard to understand is when people say that Jesus was a true historical figure, but there was no such thing as resurrection from the dead. Resurrection was an idea that Jesus’ disciples made up in their despair. So, one day after Jesus’ death, Peter came up with this idea. “Guys, I have an idea. Why don’t we start a new movement? We’ll make a story about how Jesus is resurrected from the dead and he chooses us to be the leaders of this new movement. And let’s tell people that Jesus is a king of a different kingdom that is not of this world and we should look forward to the coming of his kingdom. And in the meantime, we should give away all our money for his mission. When people try to kill us, we won’t fight back. And maybe if we are lucky, we will be persecuted and tortured to death. That way the people will notice our sacrifices and become one of us. What do you think?” And all the disciples say, “That is a great idea, Pete. Count me in. Let me be the first to die.” Do you realize how ridiculous that sound?

It is a historical fact that Christians faced persecution, torture, and death with unshakeable boldness. You can’t deny it. Historians noted how people were amazed to see how Christians died. This is one of the reasons why the gospel swept the Roman empire and became one of the greatest movements in history. And the same thing still happens today. A few years ago, a horrific video of ISIS slaughtering 21 Egyptian Christians went viral on the internet. If you haven’t watched it, I do not recommend watching it due to its horrific scene. But what happened was they made these Christians kneel and gave them a chance to recant their faith and save their lives. However, these 21 men would not recant, and ISIS beheaded them for their faith. Why did they not recant? What made them remain firm and strong when their lives were at stake? Let me tell you why. Because they believed in the resurrection of the dead. C.S. Lewis said that one of the reasons why we love stories about a knight who slays a dragon to save a princess is because these stories are modelled after one great, true story: the gospel. So, you might think that resurrection of Christ is a hoax, but I am going to argue with you that deep inside you want it to be true. And I am here to tell you that it is true.

Let me give you the context of the passage first. At this time, the news of Jesus’ resurrection is spreading fast like wildfire. On the morning of the resurrection day, the women saw an empty tomb and they heard the angels told them that Jesus had risen from the dead. They went and told the disciples about it but the disciples did not believe them. And on the same day, two disciples made their way from Jerusalem to Emmaus. And along the way, they met the resurrected Jesus. Then they went back to Jerusalem and told the other disciples that they met the resurrected Jesus. But the other disciples who had not seen him still found it hard to believe. Isn’t that encouraging? Even Jesus’ disciples found it very hard to believe in the resurrection. And while they were talking about it, Jesus showed up out of nowhere.

So, let’s look at what happened. I have two points and then I will give you four implications.

The resurrection

Luke 24:36-42 – 36 As they were talking about these things, Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, “Peace to you!” 37 But they were startled and frightened and thought they saw a spirit. 38 And he said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? 39 See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.” 40 And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. 41 And while they still disbelieved for joy and were marveling, he said to them, “Have you anything here to eat?” 42 They gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43 and he took it and ate before them.

Remember that the disciples find it hard to believe that Jesus is resurrected. And this is the same disciples who a few days earlier had abandoned Jesus at his greatest time of need. When Jesus needed them the most, they were hiding for their lives. So, what would Jesus think of them? What would Jesus say to them? And the first words that come out of Jesus’ mouth is, “Peace to you.” The first thing Jesus does is he shows kindness to his disciples. Think about it. Jesus could have started his movement with a new group of disciples. He could have said to them, “Where were you when I needed you? All of you abandoned me. I am very disappointed in you guys. This is the end of our relationship. I am going to start over with a new group of disciples.” But he doesn’t. Jesus does not come with grudges, but he comes to bring peace. And when the disciples see Jesus, they are startled and frightened. And I don’t think you can blame them. Imagine if I was dead. You witnessed my death, and you were there at my funeral. And then later that same day, while you eat KFC in your living room in remembrance of me, I suddenly show up and say, “Peace. Can I have some chicken please?” How would you respond? I am sure you would *beep* *beep* at me. Right? The same with the disciples. They have heard of Jesus’ resurrection. But it is one thing to hear Jesus is resurrected, it is another to have him suddenly show up in a living room.

Why is this important? Because it tells us that the disciples do not anticipate Jesus’ resurrection. Let me take it a step further. At the time of Jesus’ resurrection, the Jews have no concept of individual physical resurrection. N.T. Wright, a New Testament scholar, says this. “It cannot be stressed too strongly that first-century Jews were not expecting people to rise from the dead as isolated individuals. Resurrection, for them, was something that might happen to all on that great future occasion when God brought history to an end and a whole new world was renewed…. In the Jewish worldview, an individual could not be resurrected in the middle of history and history just continue going. It was not something that was possible in their worldview.” Do you hear what Wright is saying? He is saying that Jesus’ resurrection surprised them as much as it surprised us. The resurrection of Christ is not something that the Jewish people could make up. Today, our culture might say that we have a scientific worldview that does not allow for resurrection to happen. But the disciples also have a worldview that does not fit with Jesus’ resurrection. It is as unexpected for them as it is for our culture today. The only reason Luke recorded this event is because it happened.

And pay attention to what Jesus does next. I love it. When the disciples are startled and frightened, Jesus gently deals with their doubts. He says, “Look at my hand and feet. Touch me. Feel me. This is me. This is my body. I am not a spirit. I have flesh and bones just like you have.” What Jesus does is he gives solid evidence of his resurrection to his disciples. They are not seeing a vision. They are not dreaming. They are seeing Jesus in flesh right before their eyes. Jesus is saying, “You have heard of my resurrection, now touch me and believe it for yourself.” And I love what Luke says next. He writes that the disciples disbelieve for joy. It does not mean that the disciples do not believe what they are seeing and touching. It means that what they are witnessing in front of them is very hard to believe because it is almost too good to be true. The resurrection of Christ is almost too good to be true and it fills them with a sense of wonder and amazement. The most extraordinary thing just happened right before their eyes. They are seeing and touching the living and immortal body of someone who was dead and buried before their eyes. Jesus is alive in a body that will never die again. And do you know what is so cool about this new resurrection body? First, it is not limited by space. The resurrected Jesus has a physical body that can be touched and yet Jesus is able to do instant teleportation. He appears out of nowhere in a locked room. How cool is that? And second, it can eat fish. This is good news for people like me who loves to eat. It tells us that we won’t be a floating spirit in heaven. We will have a physical body that is not limited by space and we can enjoy a medium-rare wagyu steak.

Here is my point. The resurrection of Jesus is an actual event. It is not a myth. Some well-meaning Christians try to over-spiritualize it and say, “Well, it does not really matter whether Jesus was really resurrected or not. I know he is resurrected in my heart.” Well, that’s cute but that is very wrong. If Jesus is not physically resurrected, then everything we believe about Christianity is based on lies. There is absolutely no reason for us to believe anything the Bible said if Jesus is not physically resurrected from the dead. Today, you cannot argue that Jesus was not an actual historical person. Secular historians have proved the fact that there was a Jewish man named Jesus who lived 2000 years ago. It is undeniable. He is not a myth. However, what they try to deny is the resurrection of Jesus. They say that Jesus was a good moral teacher, but he is not God. The problem is we don’t have that choice. Jesus does not leave us that option. C.S. Lewis argues that a man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a good moral teacher. He is either a lunatic or is he is who he said he is, the resurrected Son of God. We only have two choices: We dismissed him altogether or we bow down at his feet and worship him.

So, if you doubt the resurrection of Jesus, here is what I want you to do. Think carefully. Have you considered all the historical facts? Have you considered all the evidence? Because the resurrection of Jesus is the only solid explanation of the transformation that happened to the disciples. When Jesus was arrested, the disciples ran and hid in fear. They were a bunch of cowards. But a few weeks later, the same disciples publicly proclaimed the death and resurrection of Jesus at the cost of their own lives. Most, if not all the disciples died being tortured for the sake of Christ. What do you think happened to them? If the resurrection of Jesus was simply a myth that they invented, how would you explain their deaths? Are you telling me that all of them willingly die a miserable death for a lie they invented? It makes no sense. Who would die for a lie they created themselves? Let me put it this way. If I turned out to be a fraud and I was a terrorist disguised as a pastor, and I hid in your house and the FBI pointed a gun at you to tell them where I was, would you die for me? Raise your hand if you would. None. Very encouraging. But I made my point. No one would die for a lie. But if the resurrection really happened, then the disciples’ transformation from cowards to martyrs made sense. They saw Jesus who they have abandoned to die on the cross, alive and well. And it changed their lives forever.

The message

Luke 24:44-49 – 44 Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” 45 Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, 46 and said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, 47 and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. 48 You are witnesses of these things. 49 And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.”

After eating some fish, Jesus then explains the message of the resurrection to his disciples. And it is very revolutionary. In these verses, Jesus makes the grand claim that if we want to understand the Bible rightly, we have to see everything in the light of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. To understand the Bible clearly, we need to know that all the stories in the Bible point to Jesus. In other words, if Jesus has a website, the “all about me” section would be everything from Genesis to Revelation. Sometimes we think that only the New Testament tells the story of Jesus. But that is not how Jesus interprets the Bible. Jesus says that the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms writes about him. These three categories are not random. The Jewish Scriptures, or what we know as the Old Testament, is divided into these three categories. In other words, Jesus is saying that all of the Old Testament speaks of him. To rightly understand the Old Testament is to know Jesus through the Old Testament, and to know Jesus is to know the Old Testament. When Jesus wants to prove his resurrection to his disciples, do you know what he does? Jesus brings them into the Jewish Scripture, which is the Old Testament. Jesus does not want the disciples to rest their belief on his resurrection based on personal experiences alone. He wants them to see that all of the Old Testament writes about him. Sally Lloyd Jones, who wrote the best children Bible in my opinion, said it best. She said, “Every story whispers his name.” From beginning to the end, the Bible is a story of God who loves his people and sends his son to die for the sins of the people so that the people of God may be reunited with God forever. So, when Jesus preaches the Bible, he preaches a Jesus-centred sermon.

Why is it important to get this right? Because get this. There are only two ways for us to understand the Bible. Either the Bible is all about us or it is all about Jesus. Our natural tendency is to see everything in the Bible to be all about us. It takes a miracle for us to see that the Bible is not first and foremost about us. And that is exactly what Jesus does with his disciples. Jesus has to open their minds to understand the Scriptures. Now, this is not the first time Jesus speaks of his death and resurrection to his disciples. Jesus has told them about his death and resurrection again and again, but they did not get it. They kept missing the point. Why? It’s not because they were not smart enough. If intelligence alone can help them see the beauty of Christ in the Scriptures, the religious leaders of Jesus’ day would have got it. But we can have all the right information, all the evidence, but still fail to believe. Why? Because to believe in the gospel requires not only our intellect but also God’s supernatural work. It takes the work of God to open our minds. It does not matter how smart we are, we will never truly understand the gospel until God opens our minds to understand it. It does not mean we shy away from the Scriptures. When the disciples find it hard to understand the Scriptures, Jesus gives them even more Scriptures. He teaches them that all Scriptures speak of the message of the gospel; how Jesus must suffer and die, and on the third day he would rise from the dead. And with his resurrection, we are called to repent from our sins and received forgiveness of sins in his name. So, Jesus opens their minds to understand the Scriptures using the Scriptures.

The implications

There are many implications of the resurrection. I just want to zoom in on four. First, the resurrection gives us the good news of peace. When the disciples see the resurrected Jesus, they disbelieve for joy. It means that what they are witnessing with their eyes is too wonderful for them to believe. And we do this all the time. Most of you guys know that I am a big fan of Manchester United. I watch all their game. Even if they play at 3 AM and I have to preach at 10 AM, do you know what I would do at 3 AM? I would watch Manchester United play and probably be sleepy during RSI. But let’s say it is half-time and Manchester is losing 3-0. That’s pretty much game over. Most fans would have turned off their TV at that time. But not me. I am a true fan. I would watch the game to the end. Because every now and then, a miracle would happen. Manchester would win the game 4-3. And you know what I’ll say to Edrick when I meet him? “I can’t believe it. We won. How on earth did we win?” I disbelieve for joy. I can’t believe it, but I do. It is unbelievably good news. It is too good to be true, but it is true.

That’s the kind of news the gospel is. It is the unbelievably good news of peace. Peace with whom? Peace with God. We who were once the enemies of God is now reconciled with God through the death and resurrection of Jesus. At the cross, Jesus endured all the punishment of sins so that those who trust in him will receive life instead of death. Jesus took the wrath of God and paid the price of sins in full. So now we can receive the forgiveness of sin and have eternal life. And all we have to do is simply put our faith in Jesus. And if you have yet to put your faith in Christ, tonight I implore you to do so. There is forgiveness of sins that is available for you. You can be made right with God and you can have a relationship with God. And you can be sure that you have been forgiven of your sins. How? Because Jesus was resurrected from the dead! Jesus’ resurrection tells you that his mission was accomplished. The debt has been paid in full. That’s why Jesus yelled out “It is finished” with his last breath so that today if you trust in Christ, you do not have to worry whether God is angry at you or not. In Jesus, there is now therefore no condemnation! You can stand right before God not because you do good but because you believe in the only one who is good. Your rightful standing before God is not found in whether you sing the right song or wear the right dress or drink the right drink. Your rightful standing before God is found in the one who loves you and gave himself for you. If you trust in Jesus, God sees you as perfect and spotless. You stand holy before God not because of your deeds but by grace alone. The gospel is the good news of peace. Put your faith in Jesus.

Second, the resurrection frees us to live for the coming world. This is crucial. If we believe in the resurrection of Christ, it means that this world is not all there is to it. One day, we will have a new glorified body and live on a new earth. The resurrection tells us that there is life after death. And this changes how we live our lives today. Let me explain. How many of you love Lion King? I am a big fan. It is my favourite Disney cartoon. And Lion King has lots of awesome soundtracks. One of them is the circle of life. The song is very catchy but very wrong at the same time. It says that when we die, we become part of the circle of life because we become fertilizers to the soil that enable the plants to grow. Then the animals eat the plants, and the people eat the animals. And then the people die and become part of the soils. So, when we die, we continue as part of the circle of life. But is that our future as Christians? No. Jesus’ resurrection tells us that we have a new body and a new earth to look forward to. We will still have everything we love about the old heaven and earth. They are not going anywhere. God is not destroying the old heaven and earth to create brand-new heaven and earth. Whatever we love about the old heaven and earth will remain but only so much better. If before we see in standard definition, in the new heaven and earth it will be in 4K. So, if we love KFC, no need to worry. Heaven will have a glorified cholesterol-free KFC for free. I don’t know how it’s going to taste but I’m sure it is awesome. My point is the next life will not be boring! The next life is not a place where we play the harp every day in clouds with an eternal choir singing in the background. Our next life is everything we love right now but so much better.

Let me put it this way. Imagine you were born blind and suddenly there is a new technology that enables you to have sight. Before the surgeries, people try to tell you what colour is like, what light is like. You try to imagine it, but you can’t. You see nothing but darkness no matter how hard you try. Then you have the surgery. Do you know what happens when you open your eyes after the surgery? You weep. Why? Because it does not matter how much people try to describe it to you, the glory of reality is far better than what you could have imagined. And that is the picture of our next life. So, there is no need for fear of missing out (FOMO). Because you do not live only once (YOLO). Get rid of your bucket list. You do not need it. So what if you never get to visit the land of the “oppa”? You have one in front of you. Okay, that’s not the reason. But you will get to visit the new and better Korea and meet the glorified “oppa” in the new earth. You will have eternity to enjoy the new heaven and earth in a new glorified body.

Do you realize how freeing this is? It means that we will not miss out on anything. Let me give you another example. I graduated on Monday. And because of it, I received lots of kind wishes from people. I appreciated all those warm wishes. But in those wishes, there was one question that continues to pop up. The question was this: “What’s next?” And let me tell you, I know exactly what this question meant. They were not asking if I was going to PHD next. What this question implied was when will I get married. And I thought it was funny at first. But after receiving so many of these “What’s next?” question, it was not funny anymore. But here is the thing. If we believe in the resurrection, it does not really matter what’s next. If we are single for the rest of our life or let’s say that we have a terrible marriage life, we are not depressed. Because one day, we will be married to Christ. If we get into an accident and we lose our leg, we do not despair. Because one day, we will be dancing. No matter what life throws at us, we can handle it. We are not going to miss out on anything. We will have eternity to enjoy the new earth in a new resurrection body. And that’s not it. There is more.

The resurrection also tells us that God is going to renew this broken earth. Christian salvation is not us leaving this broken world and going to heaven. Christian salvation is heaven coming down to this world and restore it. What does it mean? It means that today Christians are agents of renewal. Martin Luther was once asked, “What would you do today if you know Jesus is coming tomorrow?” Do you know what he said? He said, “I would plant a tree.” Wait. If the world is going to end tomorrow, why would he plant a tree? Let me tell you what he meant. Luther was saying that the coming of Jesus is not the end of the world. Jesus will come again not to end the world but renew the world. Do you know what God is going to do with that tree that Luther planted? Think of how that tree is going to blossom. Psalm 96 tells us that when Jesus returns, the tree is going to dance. The tree is going to sing. It means that nothing that we do today is mundane. Every good work we do will have an eternal effect. When we try to solve the problem of injustice, when we try to restore our society, we do so with hope because one day God is going to complete and perfect what we started. So, we are not going to miss out on anything but at the same time we do not have an escapist mentality. We are engaged with the world as agents of renewal. We are playing our part in God’s renewal process. And in the new earth, he will complete our works. Which lead me to the next implication.

Third, the resurrection makes us witnesses of the gospel. We cannot simply be recipients of the gospel. Because those who have received the gospel of Jesus, also received the mission of Jesus. We are witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection and we are to carry the message of the gospel wherever we go. The message of resurrection is not simply the message of forgiveness of sin in the name of Jesus, but it is also a declaration of the worldwide spreading of the gospel. We are called to be witnesses of the gospel wherever we go. And this has to be the main priority of our lives. Think about it. Because we have the promise of a new resurrection body and a new earth, we are not going to miss out on anything in this world. We can say goodbye to our bucket list. But there is one thing that we cannot do on the new earth. Do you know what that is? Being witnesses of the gospel. In the new earth, everyone will know and love Jesus. Therefore, our priority today ought to be bringing as many people as we possibly could to this new earth. A bucket list does not matter but people matter. Our bucket list is to spread the gospel. We only have this life to do it. We have to invest our time and energy in sharing the gospel.

Now let me share with you my concern. I am concern that most people who come to church on Sunday expect to hear the gospel being preached to them, but they are not willing to share the gospel with others on Monday to Saturday. And that is not going to work. Praise God for Sunday. The proclamation of the gospel begins in Jerusalem. It begins where we are. But that is not the end. The preaching of the gospel on Sunday is only to catapult us to share the gospel on Monday to Saturday. If we are not careful, we can create a church culture where it is all about Sunday. So, we focus so much on having incredible preacher and incredible praise and worship and bringing people to church on Sunday. We think it’s the job of the pastor to preach the gospel. This is a weak Christian consumer mentality. Do I want to be an excellent preacher who preaches the gospel every Sunday? Of course! Someone asked me a while back, “Which sermon do you consider as your best sermon?” And I said, “I always think that my best sermon is the next sermon I am going to preach.” That’s the kind of person I am. I labour hard for every sermon I preach. But I am fooling myself if I think that a good sermon is the win. The win is for every individual in this church to share the gospel wherever they are. Jesus’ strategy to preach the gospel to all nations is not to anoint one mega preacher for everyone to listen to. Jesus’ strategy has always been making disciples who make disciples. Jesus’s strategy to proclaim the gospel to all nations is us; not just me but us. And don’t give too much credit to ourselves. God does not need us. He can accomplish his mission on his own. He will accomplish it with or without us. But he graciously invites us to play, to take part in filling the gap between now and the new earth. The church has no room for spectators. The church is to be filled with witnesses of the gospel. Gospel people are to be mission people.

Fourth, the resurrection gives us hope in the present suffering. Let me tell you what I mean. There are three kinds of movies. First, there are movies with bad endings. Second, there are movies with good endings. And I am sure most of us hate movies with bad endings and love movies with good endings. But there is something that we like even more. It is the third kind of movies. It is the kind of movies that goes like this: bad, bad, bad, okay, bad, bad, bad, wow. It is the kind of movie that the bad things that happen actually make the happy ending possible. Let me give you an example. Avengers’ end game. If you haven’t watched it, I am going to ruin the ending for you. Don’t blame me. You have two years to watch it. How many of you shed tears when Iron Man died? The death of Tony Stark is not a good thing. But we loved the movie. Why? Because the bad thing makes joy possible. The bad thing makes the joy greater. The death of Iron Man ensured the defeat of Thanos and the safety of the universe. Do you see what happened?

When the disciples saw the death of Jesus, they thought it was over. They thought that they were going to be Jesus’ knights as he took over the world. But then they saw him crucified. Their world turned upside down. But when Jesus appeared to them, do you know what Jesus did? Luke 24:40 – And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. Do you know what they see when they look at his hand and feet? The nail-pierced hand and feet. The very thing that crushed their hope. Yet it is the very thing that they thought ruined their lives that saved their lives. It is the very thing that brought them despair that leads them to disbelieve for joy. The resurrection of Jesus is not joy in spite of suffering but joy because of suffering. And think about it. Jesus still has the nail prints on his new resurrection body. Why? Because he wants to tell us that his resurrection does not negate the sufferings, the pains, the tragedies we experienced in life. The resurrection of Jesus will include them. It will redeem them. In other words, the resurrection of Jesus will turn the bad things in our lives into sources of joy. The bad things we experience right now will only make the future joy greater. The resurrection of Jesus gives us hope in our present suffering.

Let me close with this. If we believe in the resurrection of Jesus, it will change everything about our lives. The question is, do you believe that Jesus was raised from the dead? Even if you struggle to believe, I hope tonight that you wish that Jesus was raised from the dead. Your heart wants it to be true. You might say, “Yos, I hear what you say about Jesus’ resurrection, but it is too good to be true.” And I don’t deny it. The gospel is too good to be true, but it is true, nevertheless. The gospel makes you disbelieve for joy. And tonight, there is an invitation for you to have the hope of resurrection. Jesus has paid the price for it. All you have to do is simply receive. Let’s pray.

Discussion questions:

  1. List out some objections against Jesus’ resurrection.
  2. Explain how the resurrection of Jesus is the only possible explanation for the worldwide spread of Christianity.
  3. How does the resurrection of Jesus give us the unbelievably good news of peace?
  4. What does the resurrection have to say about FOMO and YOLO? Give some examples of living for the coming world.
  5. What is Christian’s bucket list? Why is this has to be our main priority in life?
  6. Explain how the resurrection gives us hope in our present suffering.
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