Psalm 19 – Why I love the Bible

Psalm 19:1-14

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard. Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun, which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy. Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them, and there is nothing hidden from its heat.

The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. 10 More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. 11 Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.

12 Who can discern his errors? Declare me innocent from hidden faults. 13 Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me! Then I shall be blameless, and innocent of great transgression. 14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

If you have been with us for a while, then it should be obvious to you that RSI is obsess with the Bible. We believe that the Bible is written by men but it is inspired by God. We believe that the Bible does not only tell us about God but it is the very word of God. The very same word of God that creates everything out of nothing in the beginning is still speaking to us today through the Bible and it has the power to transform our lives in a single moment. That is why we do not preach 5 steps on how to be a better person but we preach the Bible and nothing but the Bible. And I do not apologize for that. I promise you that as long as I am the pastor of this church, this church will continue to preach the Bible. There are people out there who are convinced that preaching the Bible is no longer relevant. They emphasis more on other things such as drama, music and many other creative means. Here is what I say to it. Drama is cool. Skit is awesome. Music is great. But they cannot and will not replace the primacy of preaching of the Bible. Whenever we do church, we will preach the Bible. We as a church will give our utmost attention, effort, focus and time in the preaching of the Bible. Because we are utterly convinced in the power of the word of God to accomplish what it sets out to do.

And this is what Psalm 19 is all about. Psalm 19 reveals to us the two different ways God revealed himself to us. And this is very important for us to know because in order for us to have a relationship with someone, we need to be able to communicate with that person. It is impossible for me to have a relationship with you without talking to you. I can stalk you and know so much about you from your Instagram and Facebook. I can know what you are eating, what you are wearing, and what your favourite colour is, but I never really know you until I communicate with you. So now the question is, how do we communicate with God? How does God communicate with us? How can we have a relationship with someone whom we cannot see, feel and touch? Have you ever try to communicate with God and it seems like he is on silent mode?

Psalm 19 tells us that God is never silent. God is continuously speaking to us. There are two ways God revealed himself to us. However, I have three points for my sermon. The wordless word; the written word; the Word. Then I’ll give you some applications at the end.

The wordless word

Psalm 19:1-6 – The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard. Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun, which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy. Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them, and there is nothing hidden from its heat.

The first thing that David tells us is that God is speaking to us through creations. So when you look up into the sky and gaze at the beauty of heavens, God is speaking to you. “Day to day pours out speech and night to night reveals knowledge.” With another word, there is not a single moment where creation is silent. Creation continuously speaks to us in abundance. But the wonder of creation is that creation speaks to us without words. There is no speech, nor are there words. Creation speaks through wordless words. You dont hear them speak yet their voice is heard throughout all the earth and to the end of the world. What does it mean? Let me illustrate it to you.

How many of you even seen a picture of the Grand Canyon? How many of you ever been to the Grand Canyon? Few years back, I had the opportunity to visit the Grand Canyon. Before my trip to Grand Canyon, I knew what to expect. I have seen the picture of Grand Canyon. So in one sense, I knew what Grand Canyon looks like. And it did not interest me at all. It’s just bunch of humangous orange rocks. But it’s like the must visit place in America. So, me and my family went to visit the Grand Canyon. Today, lots of people loves to hike. Many people love to go on 2 hours walk and put their lives on the line by climbing over the fence illegally and sit at the edge of wedding cake rock for the sake of posting picture on Instagram. But not my family. We were allergic to sun and sweat. So we used a small plane to get to the top of Grand Canyon. Why makes life hard when there is an easy way out with money right? Anyway, we managed to get to the top without breaking a sweat. When I walked out of that plane, my perception of Grand Canyon was forever changed. When I finally see Grand Canyon for what it truly is, I was in awe. There are three kinds of wow. First one is, wow, that’s good. Second one is, WOW, that’s amazing. But at that time I experienced the third wow. The wordless wow. And at that time, the Grand Canyon was speaking to me in wordless word. And this wordless word can be understood by everyone everywhere. There were other people from different nationalities there with me at the top of the Canyon. There were Chinese, Indians, and Europeans. All of us speaks different languages and yet all of us heard the Grand Canyon spoke to us without word.

This is David’s point. The creation is constantly speaking to us. What does it say? What is it that the creation tries to communicate to us? Here is what I know. I can’t look at the breathtaking view of Grand Canyon and think, “I wonder what sort of natural occurrences created this beauty.” No, I can’t. The only right response to the glorious breathtaking beauty before my eyes is to say, “I wonder who created all of these?” The beauty of creation is screaming out to me, “I am not an accident. I am a work of art. I am the product of someone’s imagination. If you think that I am breathtaking and glorious, wait till you see the one who created me. He is far more glorious than me.” And this is what God is saying through creations. “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” With another word, David is saying that when creation takes your breath away, don’t stop there. Don’t worship creation. Creation points to the glory of the Creator. And creation reveals to us the happy Creator. David pictures the glory of the sun like a bridegroom leaving his chamber. Have you ever seen a sad bridegroom? I have seen a weeping bridegroom but they are weeping not because they are sad but because they are extremely joyful. The wedding day is the happiest day of bridegroom’s life. Creation is God’s way of saying to everyone everywhere, “I am here. I created all of this. This is my glory. I am beautiful. I am awesome. I am great. I am happy. And I am speaking to you through my creation to let you know that I am a glorious God.” That is why Paul said in Romans 1 that everyone is without excuse. God has revealed himself in such a way that make people from every tribe, nation and tongue know that there is the Creator; God!

However, as loud as God speaks through creation, it is not enough. The wordless words of creation is heard by everyone everywhere but it is not enough for us to know the one true God. Just like every non-verbal communication, wordless word can be unclear and can send mixed messages. Let me put it this way. Have you guys ever play the game “mafia”? If you do not know what mafia is, it is basically a game that if you are the mafia, you need to kill every civilians by winking at them. Now, I always have problem with this game every time I got to be the mafia. I would try to wink at people to kill them. But lots of times, due to my small sexy eyes, those that I winked at did not realize that I was winking at them. But I also can’t make it too obvious because otherwise everyone would know that I was the mafia and I would lose. And other times, I would wink at A but A did not realize it and B, who was next to A, thought I was winking at him. That’s the problem with non-verbal communication. We can easily misread the message. Like right now I am looking at some of your face. It may look like you are staring at me and paying attention and I feel happy because of it. But the truth is, for some of you, your mind is not here right now. You are thinking about what we will eat after the service. Right? Creation alone is not enough. Because you can also see tornados, typhoon and earthquakes through creations. It sends mixed messages. We need something more than creation. Which lead us to the second way God speaks to us.

The written word

The second way God communicates to us is through the written word or the Bible. Now, there is a very significant shift that is happening here. In Psalm 19:1-6, you only see the word “God” once. It’s on verse 1. And the word used for God in verse 1 is Elohim, which is a generic word for God. But then in verse 7 onward, the moment the theme change from the wordless word to the written word, instead of Elohim, David uses the word “YHWH,” which is translated “LORD” in capital letters. YHWH is the personal name of God that God revealed to Moses in the burning bush. What happen? Pay attention. This is very crucial. Creation tells you about the glory of the great God but only through the Bible you get to know the personal God. Theologians refers to the knowledge of God from creation as general revelation and the knowledge of God through the Bible as special revelation. If you want to know about the magnificence of God, go and look at the creations. But if you want to have personal relationship with this God, the only way to do it is through the Bible. You cannot know the one true God personally apart from the written word. The word that David used, the law, testimony, commandments, and rules are synonym for the written word or the Bible.

Psalm 19:10-11 – 10 More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. 11 Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.

Listen to what David has to say about the Bible. First, the Bible is precious. Think about the most precious thing that you have or want to have. David says that the Bible is more precious than that thing. David is not a man who is not acquainted with wealth. He is a king who has access to all the wealth of Israel. He can buy whatever he wants. He can buy the most expensive car and he can build a massive mansion with the gold that he has. But yet David says that the Bible is more precious than wealth or anything that wealth can get you. David is saying that “If I have to choose between Bible and gold, I choose Bible. If I have to choose between Bible and a fine gold, I choose Bible. And If I have to choose between Bible and much fine gold, I still choose Bible.”

Second, the Bible is pleasurable. Think about your favorite food, the kind of food that gives you pleasure just by thinking about it. Recall the taste of that food in your mouth. David says the Bible is more pleasurable than that food. Honey is probably the most delicious natural substance that we can enjoy but yet the Bible is sweeter.

Third, the Bible is protective. Imagine you live in a country without laws. There is no law whatsoever. What would happen? Chaos. David says the Bible protects you from chaos. It warns you of sin and the consequences of sin. The Bible keeps you safe from chaos.

Fourth, the Bible is profitable. You know this for a fact. Obeying the law not only protects us but it also profits us. I suck at multitasking but one of the few multitask that I was good at was texting while driving. In doing so, I break the law and if I get caught today, they would take away my license and I would be fined $319. Why does this law exist? This law exists in order to protect you and every driver on the road. Texting while driving could lead into unwanted accidents that could be fatal. So by keeping the law, I am protected from the potential harm of texting while driving. But it also profits me. It profits me by giving me greater awareness of my surrounding while driving and it also gives me greater sense of peace, not having to worry if there is any police nearby. The same is applicable with the Bible. The Bible not only protects us but we also receive all the benefit that comes with obeying the Bible.

So David says that the Bible is precious, pleasurable, protective and profitable. This is how he thinks about the Bible. But the question we need to ask is, why? Why is the Bible precious? Why is it pleasurable? Why is it protective? Why is profitable? I’m glad you asked. There are four reasons that David gives us in this short passage.

Psalm 19:7-9 – The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether.

First, the Bible gives us life.The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul.” Another good translation for reviving the soul is ‘restoring the life.’ The Bible has life-giving power. All of us come to know Christ through unique circumstances. My story is different from yours. Yet we have one common denominator. All of us came to know Christ because we heard the Bible preached to us and the hearing of the Bible generated faith in us. We were dead in our sins and trespasses. The Bible diagnosis of us is not that we were sick but we were dead. We were far worse than we dare to believe. Yet the Bible invades our dead-ness and brought us to life. And the Bible tells us that we are far more loved than we could ever hope for. If you are a Christian, this is your testimony. But this is not the end. We not only come alive by the Bible but our spiritual life is also sustained by the Bible.

There is a story in the gospel of Matthew where Jesus is tempted by the devil. Prior to the temptation, Jesus was fasting 40 days and 40 nights. At the end of his fasting, Jesus was hungry. So the devil came and told him to turn stones into loaves of bread. What was Jesus answer? Matthew 4:4 – But he answered, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Every word that comes from the mouth of God is what the Bible is! The Bible not only gives us spiritual life but it also sustain our spiritual life. Some of you are weak today because you have been fasting the word of God for a while. You wonder why your spiritual life is struggling. “Why don’t I have strength to resist the devil?” It’s because you haven’t been eating! God has designed the Bible to be the means of spiritual life. Ignoring it will starve and eventually kill our spiritual life.


Second, the Bible gives us wisdom.The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.” The most common question I received as a pastor comes in different forms of the same question – “How do I know the will of God for my life?” We want to know, who should we marry? Where should we live? What major or job should I take? So what do we do? Do we pray that God reveals to us whom we should marry by randomly opening the Bible and hope a name pop out? What if the name is Nebuchadnezzar? Good luck finding him. We wish that the Bible would tell us the exact answer to all of our questions. But a lot of time the Bible seems to be silent. There is no verse in the Bible that tell you the name of the person you should marry. If it does, everyone with that particular name won’t be single anymore and every Christian parents will name their children with the same name and you won’t know which Nebuchadnezzar you should marry.

The Bible never tells us the name of the person we should marry but it does tell us the purpose of marriage and how to choose to achieve that purpose. God has one ultimate purpose for you in every decision you make. 1 Thessalonians 4:3 – For this is the will of God, your sanctification. The word sanctification simply mean to be more like Christ. With another word, Paul is saying that God is more interested in who you are becoming through your marriage rather than the name of the person you should marry. Now that you know the goal that God has in mind for you, it narrows the option. Now you understand that you have to date a Godly man or girl. You have to date a person that can help you to be more like Christ. The Bible does not tell you the name but it does tell you what sort of person you should date and marry. The Bible gives you wisdom to choose. So girls, if Nebuchadnezzar is handsome but not godly while Bob is not so handsome but godly, which one should you date?

The Bible does not reveal the details we want but it does reveal enough for us to be able to live wisely. And the wisdom of the Bible and the wisdom of the world are often times opposite to each other. Eg: YOLO – You only live once. This statement is true and there is weight to it. But the wisdom of the world behind this statement is to do whatever you want. Don’t let anyone stop you from accomplishing your desire. Live life with no regret. Because you only live once. But the wisdom of the Bible tells us to live differently. Yes you should live life with no regret. But you do that not by doing whatever you want to do but by denying yourself and carry the cross. Denying yourself and carry the cross makes no sense to the world’s wisdom. But through the Bible, we know that this life is not all there is to it. There is another life after death where we will reign forever with King Jesus. That’s why we live differently today. I don’t have to experience the joy of holiday in Hawaii in this life. I have eternity to enjoy Hawaii. Let me make it more personal. I don’t have to be married in this life. I’ll experience the joy of being married to Christ in the future. But you know what I can’t do in the eternity? Sharing the gospel with non-believers. That is why we need to give our life for the mission of Christ today. The life of no regret is the life that deny self and carry the cross today for the sake of forever kingdom. This is the wisdom of the Bible. If you are immersed in the Bible, you are far less likely to make dumb decisions and you are far more equipped to make wise decisions where no explicit direction is found.


Third, the Bible gives us joy. The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart.” When we believe that the Bible is the word of God, when we believe that it gives and sustains life, when we believe that it gives us wisdom, then ultimately we understand that all of it are designed to bring us joy. The purpose of the Bible is to give us joy. And I love the word rejoice. C.S. Lewis was baffled by this word rejoice. He said that he can understand if one rejoices in the promises of God. But here David does not say that he rejoices in the promises of God but in the commandments of God. David sees the commandments of God and he sees beauty! He sees delight. For David, the commandments of God is not one that he has to obey but one that he delights to obey.

As amazing as the Bible already is David did not stop there. Yes, the Scripture gives us life, wisdom and joy. He goes on to say, The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever.” Fourth, the Bible gives us confidence. The Bible is enduring forever which means that there will never be a day where the Bible is out of date. Do not believe the lie that we need to make the Bible more relevant to our days. The Bible is always relevant. It is the very word of God. God wrote it. Everything in this world has its expiry date but not the Bible. Philosophy keeps changing. Music taste keeps changing. Fashion trend keeps changing. Church growth movement keeps changing. But let me tell you what never changes. The word of God. Today we live in day and age that undermines the word of God. But this is nothing new. The word of God has been constantly under attack from the very beginning. People try to attack it. People try to change it. People rip out pages that does not make sense to them. But I have good news for us. All those attacks come and go but the Bible remains. Why? Because it is the very word of God. This is the word of the eternal God who is the same yesterday, today and forever. Everything else come and go but the word of the eternal God remains the same yesterday, today and forever. That is why Isaiah declares, Isaiah 40:8 – The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. Church, may we never ever lose our confidence in the power of the written word of God.

The Word

Psalm 19:12-14 – 12 Who can discern his errors? Declare me innocent from hidden faults. 13 Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me! Then I shall be blameless, and innocent of great transgression. 14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

After describing the amazing-ness of the written word of God, David is now doing personal reflection on himself. He asks a rhetorical question, Who can discern his errors?” The answer is, no one. He then mentions two kinds of error: hidden faults and presumptuous sins. What is hidden faults? It is fault that is unknown to self. All of us have hidden faults. Faults that we often do not see in the surface. And we also have presumptuous sins. It is the things that we do know is wrong but we still do it anyway. We all do that. All the time. So here we find David is saying, I can see my presumptuous sins and the best I can do is to avoid them. I won’t let them have dominion over me. And I will be blameless of great transgression. But who can tell me my hidden faults? Who can discern to me my errors?” The answer is, the written word of God. The Bible has the power to reveal our hidden sins. So now David admit to both his hidden faults and presumptuous sins. But here is what’s interesting. He then continue to say that let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight.” The word acceptable is a word used in the Old Testament to describe the sacrificial offering that the people must bring to God. God requires an acceptable offering from his people. What does it mean? It means that God is saying, When you bring sacrifices to me, bring me the blameless one. Don’t give me of the lame animals. Bring me one that is perfect and without blemish.” And here David has the confidence to say that the words of his mouth and meditations of his heart is without blemish in the sight of God. So in one hand, David admits the sinfulness of his heart but on the other hand he is confident that God is going to see him as perfect. How? Let me tell you the answer – My rock and my redeemer.”

David knew that God is both his rock and his redeemer. David understands that one day there will be a greater David that will come to redeem his people. And this redeemer is none other than the rock of ages, the word who becomes flesh, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the answer to the riddle. Jesus is the embodiment of the written word of God. He loves the word of God. He lives by the word of God. He obeys the word of God. He delights in the word of God. He is completely saturated in the word of God. He bleed the word of God. He is the word of God. If anyone should receive rewards for keeping the word of God, it is Jesus. He is the only one who keeps the word of God perfectly but instead he was punished. He was punished and crucified at the cross for keeping the word of God. Why? So that you and I who failed to keep the word of God might receive the rewards that belong to him. Paul puts it this way. Galatians 3:13-14 – 13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree”— 14 so that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promised Spirit through faith. My friend, this is the Gospel. Your curse for his reward. Because of Jesus, God can see you as spotless and without blemish. And if you understand this, if you see the Bible and you see Jesus through it, you see beauty. The Bible is no longer a set of rules to be obeyed but a delight that tastes sweeter than a honeycomb. This is why I love the Bible.


  1. Read the Bible. Some of you are thinking, “Okay, that’s nice that you see the Bible as delight and it tastes sweet to you, but that’s not my experience. When I read the Bible, I get bored. Sometime I read few lines at night and the next thing I know it is already morning. I was sleeping in the word. I have no desire for it.” I get that. I’ve been where you are. There were days that I had no tastebud for the Bible and I was actively serving in the church. So what do you do? Here is what you do. Three words. Read the Bible. You can only develop tastebud for the Bible by reading the Bible. Let me explain. How many coffee lovers we have in this place? I don’t know at which point of time I became a coffee lover, but I can truly say that I love and desire coffee today. But there was a time that I hated coffee. In regards to reading the Bible, all of us started in the same place. None of us delight in the Bible. We were sinners who loved to sin. But at some point in life, we were introduced to the Gospel. For some of you, you fell head over heel in love with Christ the moment you heard the Gospel, just like some of you love coffee from the moment you first drink it. But for some of us, it wasn’t so. It might take days, weeks, months, or even years of drinking coffee to finally come to the point of life where you can enjoy coffee. For me, I started drinking coffee because I need it to help me go to the toilet in the morning. But over time, that need became more than a need. It became a desire. The reason why we need to read the Bible is because the Bible has the power to develop the desire for the Bible in us. To be clear, Christian discipline cannot create that desire in you; only the Holy Spirit can. But the Holy Spirit creates that desire through the means of grace that God has already provided for us: constant reminder of the Gospel through reading the Bible. So if you are not in a place where you delight in reading the Bible, do not give up. Keep on drinking the coffee. Because that desire for coffee will come as you keep on drinking it. As you constantly read the Bible and are exposed to the Gospel, one day you’ll look back and say, “I don’t know at which point of time I became a Bible lover, but I can truly say that I delight in the Bible today!”
  2. Pray I allure to this earlier but only the Holy Spirit can help you to delight in the Bible. Without the Holy Spirit, all you get from reading the Bible are facts. New facts might be interesting at first but you’ll get tired of it before too long. Only the Holy Spirit can turn the written word into the Word in flesh. So we need to rely on the Holy Spirit when we read the Bible. And how do we do that? By praying and asking for his help before we read the Bible. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand what you are reading and to open the eyes of your heart to see the beauty of the Bible. God can speak to you through any part of the Bible. There is one Old Testament story about a prophet named Balaam who was beginning to disobey God. God tried to get his attention but he could not. Finally, God decided to use Balaam’s ass to get his attention. God opened the ass’ mouth and the ass began to speak God’s word to Balaam. What is the lesson of the story? The lesson is that it might be an ass, but ass can speak the word of God. If God can use an ass to speak to Balaam, God can use any part of the Bible to speak to you, including genealogies and Leviticus.
  3. Examine the Bible. Here is what I mean. When you read portion of the Bible, don’t jump straight away to the question, “What does it mean to me?” That is a very bad question to ask for a start. Imagine an MC reading Genesis 22 together. Genesis 22 is the passage where Abraham was told to sacrifice Isaac. And then the MC leaders asks, “What does Genesis 22 mean to you?” And Jejep answers, “I think this passage tells me that I need to go hiking with my son more, just like Abraham went hiking with Isaac.” MC leaders says, “Okay, that’s good. Anybody else?” Then Edrick comments, “I think this passage is very clear that we are allowed to kill and sacrifice animals, which means that we need to eat more meat than salad.” To which Ellis, Edrick’s wife who loves salad replies, “Well, that’s not what the passage means to me. Maybe this passage means that I must sacrifice you, Edrick.” Now, do you see the problem with asking this question for a start? The question that we need to ask is, “What does this passage mean?” That’s it. Get to know the true meaning of the passage. Only then we can apply it correctly in our life. That requires us to understand the context and it requires us to think. Here is another word of warning. Do not trust your favourite preacher too much. Just because he is your favourite and he has over 100K followers on Instagram does not mean everything he said must be true. Examine the Bible for yourself.
  4. See Jesus in every part of the Bible. This is important. This is what change duty into delight. It is only when you see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ that you are transformed from one degree of glory to another. And this is not easy. This is one of the reason why we are doing “God’s big picture” series. I want you to be able to see the Bible the way Jesus sees it. Jesus claims that every part of the Bible testifies of him. And we believe that. The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is a book about Jesus that has the power to transform us to be like Jesus. Only the revelation of Jesus can make the law of God sweeter than a honeycomb to us.


  1. The creation speaks to us through wordless word. What is the message of creation to everyone everywhere?
  2. Explain the changes from “God” in verse 1 to “LORD” in verse 7 to 11. What does it tell us about the primacy of the written word over the wordless word?
  3. The Bible is precious, pleasurable, protective and profitable. Which one of these characteristic resonates most with you? Why?
  4. How does the Bible gives us wisdom in knowing the will of God for our life? Give daily life examples.
  5. “The Bible gives us confidence.” Can you think of any specific attack on the truth of the Bible in our generation and how the Bible continue to stand firm? Share it with others.
  6. How does Jesus fulfil the role of the Redeemer in Psalm 19?
  7. Why should we read the Bible even if we do not have desire to read it? How should we read the Bible?
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