Article / 01.03.2014

By Ps. Samuel Yusuf   Peringatan: Saya merasa musuh rohani kita sedang menyerang untuk menggagalkan, mencuri dan merampasi the great opportunities yang Tuhan sediakan bagi kita yang akan membawa terobosan-terobosan baru yang sangat berpengaruh bagi tercapainya purpose dan destiny kita.   Ada sebuah kisah nyata tentang seorang muda yang...

Article / 01.03.2014

By Grace Susatyo   When I was raising my firstborn, I was extremely attentive, strict with rules and overly panic if she fell down or sick. I watched constantly to make sure she was still breathing in her cot, did not let her play on public places,...

Article / 01.03.2014

By Yosia Yusuf   Murid A: Munafik! Murid B: Kenapa bro? Murid A: Kamu ga liat si Petrus? Kemaren dia makan semeja dengan orang Kafir. Tapi hari ini dia menjauhi mereka karena keberadaan orang-orang Yahudi. Apa benar Guru memilih Petrus untuk membangun gereja-Nya? Murid B: Bro bro.. (sambil ketawa). Kayaknya...

Article / 01.03.2014

By Ebnu Wiyono   Let me introduce Leandro Barbosa, a NBA player of Phoenix Suns fromBrazil. Before you judge me (as I am a Suns’ fan), there is a reason why I want to share his story here. Leandro first started his NBA career at Phoenix Suns...

Sermon / 23.02.2014

By: Ps. Daniel Prayogo   Lukas 15 ada 3 cerita yang Tuhan Yesus berikan. Perumpamaan Anak Domba yang hilang 1 Para pemungut cukai dan orang-orang berdosa biasanya datang kepada Yesus untuk mendengarkan Dia. 2 Maka bersungut-sungutlah orang-orang Farisi dan ahli-ahli Taurat, katanya: "Ia menerima orang-orang berdosa dan makan bersama-sama...

Article / 01.02.2014

By Asya Syafaati   Tahun 2013 baru saja satu bulan berlalu. Di malam tahun baru, saya mengambil waktu sejenak untuk mengenang kembali semua perbuatan Tuhan yang telah saya dan keluarga alami. Ada rasa haru yang meluap ketika saya mengingat sebuah kejutan terbaik yang pernah Tuhan berikan. Saya dan...

Article / 01.02.2014

By Yosia Yusuf   Do I need to love myself before I love others? There is a popular belief among Christians that said, ‘You can’t love others if you don’t love yourself.’ Is this statement valid? I’m not too sure. Now before you throw stone at me...

Article / 01.02.2014

By Firman Rianto   Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc have allow me to socialise with more people than conventional method would. 471 people and counting. Some of us are reaching the thousands. Highest currently on Facebook is 6,223 friends. That can be quite assuring to have such...

Article / 01.01.2014

By Yosia Yusuf   What? Is this English? No it is not. It’s two ancient Greek words that means time. So why do I need to know? Because according to the second wisest man ever lived, to differentiate between the two is to understand little bit on how the world operates....